Thursday, August 30, 2012

Rock that Ponytail: 23' Wrap Around Pony by hairdo

Hey everyone!

OMG I finally got to try my HairDo 23" wrap around pony! It's freaking lovely!! It feels like real hair and It's super easy to style.This ponytail is available in eleven different colors all natural colors (so there's none with highlights.)

Yes, it's synthetic hair BUT you COULD straighten it and curl it as long as you use 350 degrees Fahrenheit or less. However, I must mention that this pony came curled, which looked super cute BUT I had to make it straight because since it was new the hair looked extremely shiny; it was too shiny to be real (straightening it made it look more natural and not so shiny.)

Let me also say, that this pony might not be for those that have extremely thick hair. I have A LOT of hair and it was sooo hard to wrap it around my real hair!!! It took me like 15 minutes to blend it and make it look natural. I think it would be easier if you have thinner hair or not so much because the Velcro would actually connect and wrap around LOL

Click to
See it/Buy it here
$59.00 on sale right now for $44.25!!

Here are pictures of my ponytail!

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